Water Line Replacement

Due to unforeseen circumstances with the water line replacement there are currently a greater number of houses without water than planned. We expect to have the water line back in normal service in 2-4 hours as of 1100.

Winter Weather Update from GFL

Due to the inclement weather conditions in and around the Houston area, we have suspended all collection services for Tuesday, January 21 and Wednesday, January 22.

Please refer to the information below regarding your re-scheduled services. Safety is always our number one priority. We appreciate your continued patience and understanding and apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.


  • if you have garbage services scheduled on Wednesday and Saturday, your garbage service will resume on Saturday, January 25.


  • All recycling services that were suspended on Tuesday and Wednesday will resume on your next regular scheduled service day, either Tuesday, January 28 or Wednesday, January 29.

Important Notice Regarding Water Main Replacement in MUD District No. 70

Dear Homeowner/Resident,

The MUD District No. 70 has contracted with SKE Construction, LLC to replace water mains in the Paddock neighborhood as part of the district water main replacement project. These mains installed in the 1970s have a history of breaks and are near the end of their estimated life expectancy.


The district has elected to replace the water mains using pre-chlorinated pipe bursting. This technique allows less impact to the district customers by minimizing the time individual waterlines are out-of-service. Construction will include:

  • Pipe bursting (inserting a new HDPE pipe inside the existing waterlines)
  • Excavation inside the public right-of-way to access and install the new water main


  • Brief disruptions in water service (Affected residents will receive notice in advance of shut off.)
  • Surface restoration (grass, plants, etc., will be replaced when complete)
  • Due to the existing waterline being aged and underground, there is a possibility of unforeseen disruptions. We insure you that if this happens our crew will be on site immediately to get this restored.


Safety is the most important aspect of the project. We ask that you please work with us by acknowledging all signs
and construction zones and driving at a prudent speed.


Construction work is anticipated to begin October 8th and continue thru June 30th . Typical work hours will be 8 AM – 6 PM, Monday through Friday. (Note: crews may not be present the entire time, as the project area includes multiple streets)


SKE Construction, LLC
PM: Clint Borgstedt
PO Box 1111
Cypress, TX 77410

We realize this may be an inconvenience, but replacing these aging water mains ensures safe and reliable water service in your neighborhood for years to come. We will make efforts to minimize disruptions and complete this project in a timely manner. Thank you in advance for your cooperation and patience.

SKE Construction
(281) 585-4100


Boil Water Notice Rescinded

Street(s) Affected Include:

  • 18502 – 18523 Headland Drive
  • 7403 – 7531 Connemara Drive
  • 18503 – 18515 Forest Forge Drive
  • 7218 – 7330 Paddock Bend Drive

On Wednesday, November 15, 2023 a Boil Water Notice was issued to customers affected by a district maintenance in Harris County MUD 70. Our system received the lab results this afternoon, verifying that the water meets safe drinking water requirements.  The water no longer requires boiling as of Thursday, November 16, 2023.

Public Notice to Boil Water – November 15, 2023

Street(s) Affected Include:

  • 18502 – 18523 Headland Drive
  • 7403 – 7531 Connemara Drive
  • 18503 – 18515 Forest Forge Drive
  • 7218 – 7330 Paddock Bend Drive

A water line repair caused temporary interruption in water service for affected area listed above. Affected customers should boil their water prior to consumption until further notice.

Boil Water Notice Rescinded

Affected Areas: West Gate and Paddock Subdivision

On Friday, October 20, 2023, a Boil Water Notice was issued to customers affected by a main line break in Harris County MUD 70.

Our system received the lab results this morning, verifying that the water meets safe drinking water requirements. The water no longer requires boiling as of Sunday, October 22, 2023.

Voluntary Water Restrictions in Place

Stage 1 of the district’s drought contingency plan has been triggered.  Please limit irrigation and lawn watering to the times and days indicated below.

  • Sundays and Thursdays for customers with a street address ending in an even number (0, 2, 4, 6 or 8)
  • Saturdays and Tuesdays for water customers with a street address ending in an odd number (1, 3, 5, 7 or 9)

Irrigate landscapes only between the hours of 8:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m for the following designated watering days.